
Monday, August 1, 2016

Those Bumps In the Night?

Hi. We can do this. Help me.
I wish I could tell you I wasn't scared.

I got lost in the woods once, with a friend, a long time ago, and that's a long story. I wasn't scared then. I am now.

There's a lot that rides on my effort raising the monthly $$$ I need to be on campus at Mines full-time this fall. It's when I think about the opportunity to reach into young lives with friendship, sincere mercy, grace--and some tasty hot cocoa on a cold Colorado winter afternoon. Not being able to do that, well, that's when I feel...scared.  

I feel it when...well, when I know people don't respond to team up financially with me...just $25/month...and lots of partners! Lord knows,  I'm not independently wealthy; I can't do this by myself!

I feel it when...well, when I have to remind myself that for every tenth person who decides to share this marvelous burden with me, nine have said--one way or another--"No."

I feel it...well, considering how God has tooled n schooled me--and well! All good stuff. Those skills, hard fought and effective. Plus the school of time and, wow, that uncomfortable honing. My heart hungers to capitalize it all--to sow these seeds into younger lives, to watch them grow. And that's when I feel it...scared. 

I feel it again, remembering now two summers ago, looking down deep into tearing eyes. A young Mines engineer, at school for a degree, with his brother, but at home his mom ran away--ran away! Broke their dad's heart--and of course his n his brothers. A hurt I've salved many times before.   

 I know it. I know getting there will be about sacrifice. Life and the Gospel are both that way. New life comes in dying...and that's hard. So, I get scared. That nobody else wants to feel that discomfort to help me save lives. And yes, it is indeed a partnership.

Nope. My friend n I, long ago, we weren't lost for long--about eight hours. It was what it was, then we were found. It wasn't scary. But God's got people at Mines. He knows where they are, and he want's us to find them. It's really scary--if we don't. 

Please, join me.

Click here!

And that's Dialogues...but just for today.


Monday, July 18, 2016

Context, Context, Context

How do you know me? 
I've worked as an engineer, directed a Christian campus ministry,
Top:.Wood Talkin Refin., CO Psy License, CA @ Mines, Old West Builders
worked on a couple church teams, owned businesses respectively in building construction and in furniture repair, served administratively for a Christian college start-up, and practiced as a Colorado clinical marriage and family counselor and therapist. Perhaps I met you in one of those contexts? 

Thankfully right now I can still do those things! But at this special time in my life's journey I've troubled myself with the question, "How do I want to spend the next ten years of it?" 

After some careful and prayerful deliberation, I decided...I want to influence young adults....again. So, God willing, I'm orchestrating a return trip into campus ministry, specifically focusing on engineers at the Colorado School of Mines (CSM). 

So, I ask you again, how do you know me? Was the role, skill, or person I was for you someone you would recommend to others? Were you grateful to God for my presence and influence in your life at that time...maybe? If I was, or you were, you've glimpsed how God may similarly use me to influence the lives of young (19-21 year old) neophyte engineers. 

To set myself up at CSM I need financial support, but I really want it most from people like you who know me. I need friends--team members--who can and will attach themselves spiritually and prayerfully to my effort with students, faculty and staff at CSM. I need 200 people who will give $25 monthly. It'd be like you treating me for the cost of a coffee sit-down together once every week! 

Will you do it? Join me? Please give this some thoughtful prayer. Then, if you feel God tugging at your heart, go to my web page at Missions Door (click on this), pull down the "Donate" tab at the top right of the page, and support me. If you do it, text me a note at 720-350-2992. Surprise me with that super news...and I'll be in touch.

Oh, and one final question. Have you really thought about what you're doing with your next ten years? 

That's Dialogues...for today. Thanks.