
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A "Path Perspective" on My Day

So, what's my day
A dedicated path from here to there

We're all on some kind of path that gets us from here to there. For example, I've got a schedule full of things I know I need to do. In fact, that list of things I COULD DO (in the context of "all things that really need to get done") could go on and on. So, I suspect like you, the list gets policed by the day's limited  hours and my limited energy. But aside from those real practical and pragmatic considerations, what is my day about today?

Similar to tracking how I spend money, the list of things I prioritize my time and energy to actually do clearly says something about me. Consider today's partial list for example:
  • Make a quick trip to Boulder
  • Call a customer to schedule and then deliver an antique table
  • Further my effort to get our 69 Chevy Nova back on the road
  • Call a customer to schedule and then deliver an antique chair
  • Visit a customer's home to leave a message on their door
  • Make a trip to the bank
  • Call a customer to schedule and then deliver three walnut dining chairs
  • Make a cameo appearance at one of  Golden's antique retailers
  • Update my blog  
  • Slice some apples and load em into the food dryer 
  • Call a customer to discuss a necessary pricing adjustment...
I suspect you get the idea. Even a cursory glance at the partial list uncovers theme in the preponderance of issues and events--one related to my Wood Talkin business ( But I must remember and I do often remind myself how despite its importance to me, Wood Talkin is NOT my life; it does not and must not be allowed to define me. How I do business, how I treat people, what they may learn about "the man behind Wood Talkin" is of far greater significance and import in the long run.

I learned this little targeting verse as a kid--as a new Christian. "Whatever you do, do it with all your heart as unto the Lord and not merely for other men's sake" (Colossians 3:23, the Brandow paraphrase). It's my daily challenge to myself....and it keeps me on the right path.

So, what's your path and how's it going for you today?
